Goonhilly is a world-renowned satellite and space communications company.
As the trusted satcom service provider of choice for many of the world’s major satellite operators, the company offers uplink and broadcast services, gateway operations, TT&C, carrier monitoring, LEOP tracking, and more.
In 2021, Goonhilly expanded its services to the Moon and beyond, establishing the world’s first commercial lunar and deep space communications network. Since then, the company has provided services to international space agencies and private enterprises including ESA, NASA, ISRO, and ispace inc.
In late 2023, Goonhilly acquired two US teleports – COMSAT Southbury and Santa Paula – providing customers on both sides of the Atlantic with increased visibility and access to over 120 years of combined satcom experience. The deal will also allow for the international expansion of Goonhilly’s deep space network, providing sought-after additional capacity to the evolving lunar market.
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